Making ends meet: who is paying the price?

Discover the stories behind the numbers with Equifax’s latest Financial Health Report, ‘Making ends meet: who is paying the price?’. We’re diving deep to uncover the insights that matter, empowering you to make informed decisions for a brighter financial future.

Key facts and figures


Credit cards stretched thin
A 10% increase in cards maxed out at over 90% utilisation highlights growing financial strain.


Mortgage management shift
The market sees a notable shift with 36+ year mortgages accounting for 10% and 90,000 mortgages on interest-only temporarily, along with 33,000 with term extensions.


Debt engagement on the rise
Conversations with nearly 2 million TDX customers reflect a 10% increase from the previous year, indicating a growing need for debt management support.


Gender disparity in finance
Women continue to face financial disadvantages, with slower debt payoff despite carrying 30% lower balances on average.

Don’t miss out on valuable insights and trends. Download the full Financial Health Report here to explore key findings and gain actionable insights.

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Further reading